Thursday 11 May 2017

Reduce Your No-Shows with the Online Leading Doctor’s Appointment Site

The world of business is changing, and the health sector is not an exception. Statistics have shown that over 10% of business appointments lead to no shows.
This is a wake-up call to all businesses which are aimed at increasing their sales as well as their customer turn up rates.
The internet is one of the platforms which you can reach out to your clients but spending time online will consume much of your customer’s valuable time, and by the end of the day, your customers will be dissatisfied. As a business, you should pay attention to your customer satisfaction. In case you are looking forward to reducing your no-shows and boost your sales consider working with PhollowUp.
PhollowUp is Singapore based company which provides an authentic online platform which provides customer booking solutions for the healthcare industry. The company has a lot of expertise, and for years now many small businesses have benefited from their services. Their online booking system allows patients book appointment with professional health practitioners anytime. Doctors can also keep track of their customers through these systems.
The company understands well the effect no-shows can have to your business and aims at helping small businesses manage their appointment without necessarily taking part in the job. They ensure that your customers have been reminded about their appointments early enough to improve their turn up rates.
By just a click of a mouse, your customers can book their appointments. To ease your workload, the company ensures that new customers have provided essential information the moment they click their online book doctor appointment option. This helps capture all the details of your new customers before they make their actual visit. This way, you will spend valuable time with your customers and give them the right attention.
Time is critical for every business and its clients. Through their dentist appointment system, customers can get access to professional dentistry services. This reduces the chances of spending all your day on the phone making calls and sending text messages. They send an appointment link on mail or through a text message for your old customers to make their bookings.  The system also gives dentists the number of customers who have booked appointments with them on a particular day. 
To ensure that their customers get quality services, the missioned company has extended its wings by opening up new offices in Japan, Australia and Philippines. For more information visit  HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank"
Contact us

King George Blk 804

 King George's Ave. #09-158,

Singapore, 200804

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A Smart Way to Increase Your Dentist Sales

Typically every business aims at making profits. One thing most companies forget is that their customer care and marketing strategies contribute much when it comes to the amount of profit they will realize by the end of the day. Imagine receiving a flood of new customers and old clients who understand your brand well. If getting and maintaining your customers are the biggest problem in your business then you are not alone. Many companies face the same challenges and solving these problems has never been easier! Just take a look at how you can increase your sales and maintain your customers.
Dentist scheduling is one of the effective ways to keep track of the number of customers you will attend by the end of the day. Time is critical not only to a business but also to its customers. Customers prefer quick and quality services.  Since the procedure is not a one-day thing when booking appointments for your clients, it is always imperative to schedule a specific time. Besides it also gives you the opportunity to keep track of your time as well as reducing the wait time for your clients thus improving your customer experience.
Make use of technology
With the increased number of mobile-enabled devices and web connectivity, most people access the internet through their phones. Create an online platform where your customers can book their appointments. This will allow you to manage the number of clients that your facility receives in a day as well as promoting a healthy communication between you and your customers. Alongside online appointment services, investing on automated devices can also help you keep records your new and old customers together with their details. 
Reduce no-shows
Statistics have shown that many businesses appointments lead to no shows. Everyone is busy, and chances are your customers may forget that they had booked an appointment with you. Making calls to all your customers will consume most of your day, and by the end of the day, you may not be in a position to attend to all your clients. Also, a large number of people do not pick unknown calls, especially during working hours. This will have a significant impact on your sales.
Research has shown that over 98% of people read their all of their text messages. Again, sending text messages manually to all your clients will consume your days’ time. Remember your primary aim is to boost your sales by satisfying all your customers. It does not make sense spending all your time reminding your customers about their appointments and expect the clients on the waiting queue to spend hours waiting for you and expect them to be happy. However, delegate the appointment job to someone else will help you focus on your customers and give them valuable time
Now imagine your old customers sending their friends and family members to become your new clients. If retaining and attracting new customers is all that you are looking forward to then making use of the above small business sales tips will help you achieve all your business goals.